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We have already established that taking on a mortgage is likely to be your largest financial commitment, and as such it needs to be adequately protected to ensure that you or your loved ones are not left in huge financial difficulty should the worst happen in respect of death or illness.

At Calibre Capital we believe we have a responsibility to ensure that you understand the varying financial products available to you, and the potentially grave consequences of not being protected.


We search products based on a fair and personal analysis from tried and trusted life assurance companies ensuring that you have access to the most comprehensive cover and competitive rates available.


It’s not just the individuals who need protecting – it’s the property itself! The building and your contents need relevant cover to ensure that you protected in the event of damage, whether an act of God or accidental. Once again, we will help you so that you receive the best available protection tailored to your requirements.


For general insurance products such as building & content insurance, we act as introducers only

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